Yeah it’s time to talk to the man himself. (Please read my FAQ before you waste my time.)
Contact me:
So here’s the deal…
I like getting emails. I try to respond to most of them. If you have a business inquiry about me, my consulting services, my TikToks, etc — you should probably include “business inquiry” somewhere in your title.
If you’re a musician, there is a 99.9% chance I’m not interested in working with you.
If I blocked you on TikTok, don’t follow up. I don’t want to talk to you.
If you’d like to sponsor me on TikTok, cool. I have sponsors. Make sure your email reflects that in its subject line so it won’t get lost.
I can’t work with non-US companies because of my security clearance. So please understand that it’s not you… it’s me.
With that said, all inquiries…

“The more you read, the more you calm down.”
37 years old
United States

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If you decide to contact me (FAQ)
Music Shit
I’m not taking a discount rate because you are a musician or a label. I don’t want a percentage. I don’t want points. I don’t want publishing. I want to be paid in US dollars.
Writing, TV, Film, and Shit
I have an agent, but typically I’m going to speak for myself. So if you contact me, know that my agent will be cc’d.
Tech Shit
I don’t like tech bro culture. Engineering should simply be like any other job, but for some reason tech bros like to swear they’re Gods or something and I find it annoying.
Political Shit
I do political consulting for some folks, but they’re all under an NDA, so don’t ask.
Legal Shit
I’m represented by Dean Schaner here in Texas. If you fuck around, you’re going to get fucked around.
Real Life Shit
I’m a husband and a father. It’s pretty cool.